As society moves forward through innovation and global connectivity, the world is evolving at an extremely fast pace. Predicting the need of tomorrow is not easy because what may be needed today might be defunct tomorrow.
At ALC, we have a strong belief that each child is unique and needs to be equipped to keep pace with changes. There has to be a holistic approach towards development if the child has to be successful.
Research indicates that a child’s brain development is at its highest between zero and six years of age. This stage lays the foundation and every child is capable of learning. Therefore the learning environment has to be child friendly and the curriculum child centric allowing for cognitive, emotional, social and physical development.
As children grow and the learning landscape changes, there has to be a thrust towards equipping children with Thinking Skills - Thinking from the Mind, Heart and Soul – thus focusing on the Intellectual Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) and the Spiritual Quotient (SQ).
ALC is sincerely committed to addressing all facets of education with its exceptional pedagogy, professional development, student and parent engagement. Our curriculums are benchmarked with international best practices, mostly drawn from the UK and Singapore. ALC has a robust audit system to monitor the implementation of its curricula that aims to create happy, responsible and successful global citizens.